BEHOLD! A Collaborative Work Of Trash.

New issues twice a year. Make sure to check back often.

The 90's are alive in the form of this terribly coded webpage.

I don't know how to speak html. If you're on a phone, zoom out and things should look just fine.

Support this shitty endeavor with your dollars, if you feel so inclined.

You can find the rest of this garbage in the...


The shit you might be here for

Can you believe theres 23 issues of this unedited misspelled nonsense? Here's the 3 most recent.

The 23rd. I missed a word in my rant, and I'm a tad irked by it. Update: Found a shitty solution of sorts.

Twenty Fucking Two

Issue 21, bitches.

There we go, you've reached the end of this shit.

Here's the rest if you want to waste more of your time.

If you're unsure what to think of this publication, consider this. The Shitty Times is an outlet. An outlet that I've coerced many a friend, family member, and occasional coworker, into contributing to. I've made the odd person laugh because of it, so I would say it's worth it.